Forever Angels BIG changes!

We heard from Amy Hathaway from Forever Angels recently regarding some BIG news! They are going to be moving away from the baby care home and towards a Family Style Care Model.

Amy shared some very interesting and in-depth reference materials and reports about this model of care and the huge benefits of it for all the children.

They have cared for and saved 438 vulnerable babies over the last 15 years and have helped more than 80% of those reintegrate into extended family, or be adopted into new families.

Forever Angels strongly believes in FAMILY and that all children should grow up in one.

From November, the Baby Home children will no longer live in the main centre, but will be cared for in smaller, family homes on the site with a Mama, Auntie and up to 8 children in each house.

Amy and her team believe that living in smaller families until a permanent home is found is best for all of the children.  It will enable them to build stronger attachments with one caregiver, and grow into healthier, happier children.

The total cost of this transition is £30,000 which involves some remodelling and refurbishment of existing houses on the property site as well as ensuring each house is fully equipped with the furniture needed to house a family.

Please read more about the work Forever Angels are doing here

The SPK Foundation wishes Amy and the team every success - we're excited to hear about the progress and we hope to be able to support the changes that are being made.

Love The SPK Foundatiom UK Team x