Welcome to L'Arche Manchester

We are pleased to announce our support of L’Arche in Manchester, a new relationship in 2021 and one that we look forward to building over the next 3 years.

What is L’Arche?

L’Arche believes that people with learning disabilities have much to teach us and contribute to the world. They have learnt that one of the best ways to enable this is by creating Communities with a culture of shared lives between people with and without learning disabilities.

L’Arche Communities hold in balance four elements: service, community, spirituality & outreach. Reflecting and celebrating the ethnic, cultural and religious composition of the areas in which they exist.

L’Arche goes beyond supporting people's basic needs disabilities, building circles of support around them. It is this focus on building relationships and cultivating a sense of belonging that makes them different from other service providers.  

L’Arche in Manchester

At the heart of L’Arche is the support they provide to people with learning disabilities.  As well as providing high quality housing and supported living, they also work with individuals to access employment and voluntary opportunities.

Many of their Communities provide day support services, as well assisting people to access relevant healthcare and, where appropriate, receive therapeutic services.

They work hard to ensure that the needs of individuals with learning disabilities are met holistically, and that people are supported to live fully integrated and empowered lives within their wider communities.

They have a long history of working with social services and social work departments, health authorities, primary care trusts, registration and regulatory authorities, housing associations and others, to provide high quality support that is recognised as being truly responsive to people with learning disabilities

Having opened its doors in 2013 L’Arche Manchester now have a total of 4 houses where 3 to 4 young adults with learning disabilities live alongside several live-in assistants who share life together.

L’Arche Manchester also offers day activities for its members and for people with learning disabilities in the wider Manchester community.  They provide activities including a gardening and allotment group, inclusive yoga, music, card making, bread-making and more.

In partnership with the Withington and Fallowfield Foodbank, and St Paul’s Church in Withington, they also run a community cafe – The Hive. It is run by people with and without learning disabilities who serve delicious, home-cooked meals at affordable prices.

Our Support

L’Arche Manchester are in the process of fundraising for a new building project. Rose House has recently been donated to them by a member of the community and the team at L’Arche are seeking support to cover the costs of refurbishment and adaptations required for the needs of future residents. This will be our initial focus for support this year.

The work that L’Arche do to support their residents in their day to day lives within their communities is inspiring. As is the assistance they offer in dealing with the many agencies involved with their residents everyday needs.

You can read more about the charity and the fantastic work they do at


The SPK UK Team x